Bisbee's Fish & Wildlife Conservation Fund Logo

PAST PROJECT: Endangered & Threatened Species Re-population

Bisbee's Fish & Wildlife Conservation Fund has formed strategic alliances with Exotic Wildlife Association (EWA), Second Ark Foundation, Morani River Ranch, Sahara Conservation Fund, Zoological Society, Sul Ross State University, and Source Population Alliance (SPA) as part of our overall conservation effort and re-population projects. The alliances are already well advanced in their efforts for repopulating threatened, endangered, and “already-extinct-in-the-wild” species back into their original habitat, as well as into source population areas (much like a seed bank) in order to propagate species and diversify with respect to possible future catastrophic events such as drought, famine, disease, human conflict, etc. This united goal is to ensure the survival of threatened and rare species from becoming entirely extinct – by forming location separate source populations.

Latest News

Bisbee's Conservation Fund makes a $125,000 donation to the Second Ark Foundation

by Capt. Dave Lear
May 2014 -- The Bisbee’s Fish & Wildlife Conservation Fund has donated $125,000 in support of the Second Ark Foundation’s ambitious efforts to re-introduce Scimitar-horned oryx to their native habitat in the African Sahara region.   Read More